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Are you interested to know Trading Standards’ approach towards the safety of cosmetic products and what they expect to see in a Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPSR)?
Take the CTPA e-learning course on cosmetic products safety assessment to gain knowledge on the safety assessment for cosmetic products, starting from the requirements to compile the Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPSR), to the calculation of the Margin of Safety, overview of hazard and exposure assessment. One of the new modules of this e-learning is held by Richard Knight, CTSi Lead Officer (cosmetic and beauty) from Essex County Council Trading Standards, who provides insight from Trading Standards (the UK enforcement authority) as to what they expect to see when inspecting a CPSR, also outlining some case studies based on their experience.
This course is open to anyone in CTPA member and non-member companies involved in cosmetic product development including, but not limited to, formulation technologists, technical managers, regulatory managers, as well as safety assessors and toxicologists.
Fee payable: £120 + VAT for members, £150 + VAT for non-members
People who purchased access to this training in the past, can access the new modules without the need to re-purchase the training.