CTPA’s pre-election Manifesto has formed the basis of the CTPA Agenda for Government, which is our call for action as we work with the new UK Government on the critical issues affecting the cosmetics, personal care and beauty industry.
Download the CTPA Agenda for Government 2024-2029
CTPA has been engaging for the last year with parties across the political spectrum on the key asks of the CTPA Manifesto, around the five pillars of Essentiality, Regulation, Science, Sustainability and Business. Our next step is to bring the CTPA Agenda for Government based on the principles of the Manifesto to the newly appointed Cabinet and Ministers, as well as their advisers and Government officials and regulators.
CTPA continues to call for an overarching Strategy for the Sector with Government, as part of the proposed Sector Strategies by the Labour Party.
Specific issues that CTPA is keen to discuss with the Government and see addressed through a sector strategy include:
- Continued full adherence to the UK Cosmetics Regulation with its high standards and risk-based approach, consumer trust, industry awareness and acceptance by our global trading partners as part of the Product Safety Review (PSR).
- Enhanced efforts to develop greatly improved regulatory cooperation and trading relationships with the EU post Brexit, to reduce frictions and regulatory burdens for the benefit of both sides, including fully implementing the Chemicals Chapter in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA).
- A new system under the Alternative Transitional Registration model (ATRm) system for UK REACH that is achievable and cost-effective for industry, particularly for Downstream Users, while ensuring safety and environmental protection.
- A new joined up Government strategy to accelerate the uptake of Non-Animal Methodologies in safety assessment for chemicals and other products to complement the existing ban on animal testing for cosmetic products, to help the UK become a world leader in modern, animal-free science.
- Support for the Government on the development of a world-class, producer-led Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme for packaging, with industry being central to the operation and design of the EPR scheme in order to achieve efficiency and deliver the desired environmental outcomes.
- An approach to regulation that is based on sound science, is UK wide, avoiding unnecessary divergence in the UK internal market and takes into account the need for long lead in times for changes that may affect labelling and avoids the need for separate production lines between the UK and EU, to ensure prices stay low for consumers and a full choice of products remains.
Following the General Election, Dr Emma Meredith, CTPA’s Director-General said:
“A clear election result and a significant mandate for the new UK Government provides the in-coming administration with an opportunity to plan long term for the future success of business, and specifically for the cosmetics, personal care and beauty industry.
CTPA welcomes the new Government’s plans to have sector strategies as part of an overall industrial strategy and requests that, as part of this, the UK Government develops a dedicated strategy for the cosmetics, personal care and beauty industry. This would: promote the essentiality of the industry’s products and services; maintain strict risk-based safety legislation; protect science-led decision-making; provide a framework for growth with sustainability at its core; enhance the competitiveness of the UK industry for both import and export and champion the UK industry as a leader in product manufacture, design and innovation. CTPA stands ready and willing to work with Government, as a trusted partner, on the critical issues affecting our vital sector.”
CTPA members can access further resources on how to take part to the CTPA Agenda for Government campaign via our Member Resources section.
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Please read our Press Release "CTPA Congratulates Sir Keir Starmer After the Clear General Election Result and Looks Forward to Working with the New UK Government"