Published: 06 December 2023  (Updated: 06 December 2023)

European Chemical Agency (ECHA) and Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Update: December 2023

ECHA Updates

Regulatory Management


Defence Status

Harmonised Classification and Labelling: New Intentions

CBDNo entry in CPRProposed CMR (reprotox) 06.04.23


Sodium chloriteNo entry in CPRProposed CMR2 (mut) 02.10.23


ResorcinolAnnex III entry 22 of CPRProposed ED 1 (HH) (31.08.23)

TBC – it is unclear what defence work would be required for this classification

Hexamethylindanopyran (HHCB, ‘galaxolide’)Annex III entry 336 of CPRProposed CMR (reprotox) (05.10.23)


Harmonised Classification and Labelling: Dossier Submitted

Talc Annex III entry 59 of CPRCMR 2 (carc)Legal deadline for opinion adoption 04.12.24

To be defended by an industry consortium

Sodium EDTMPNo entry in CPRCMR 1B (carc) (legal deadline for opinion adoption 21.02.25)

No industry co-ordinated defence.  Interested parties will need to submit a defence dossier individually

Potassium EDTMPNo entry in CPRCMR 1B (carc) (legal deadline for opinion adoption 21.02.25)

No industry co-ordinated defence.  Interested parties will need to submit a defence dossier individually

Heliotropine (Piperonal)No entry in CPRCMR 1B (reprotox)Legal deadline for opinion adoption 24.10.24


GROUP Cyclamen aldehydeNo entry in CPRCMR 1B (reprotox)Legal deadline for opinion adoption 10.11.24


GROUP BourgeonalNo entry in CPRCMR 1B (reprotox)Legal deadline for opinion adoption 10.11.24


p-CymeneNo entry in CPRCMR 1B (repr)Legal deadline for opinion adoption 10.11.24


AcetophenoneNo entry in CPRCMR 1B (repr) (legal deadline for opinion adoption 13.03.25)


Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) Opinion Published

Tea tree oil - Melaleuca alternifolia, ext.No entry in CPRCMR 1B (repr)RAC opinion adopted, pending publication

Being defended by an industry consortium

Nitrous oxideNo entry in CPRCMR 1B (repr)RAC opinion 16.03.2023

No industry co-ordinated defence.  Interested parties will need to submit a defence dossier individually

Tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate No entry in CPRCMR 1B (repr)RAC opinion adopted, pending publication

No industry co-ordinated defence.  Interested parties will need to submit a defence dossier individually

REACH Restrictions

D4/5/6Restriction notified to WTO 22.06.23


OctocryleneAnnex VI entry 10 of CPREnvironmental (04.10.23)


MicroplasticsRestriction published 27.09.23


SVHC Classification and Authorisation




HSE Updates

Regulatory Management


Defence Status

Mandatory Classification and Labelling: New Intentions


No entry in UKCR

CMR 1B (muta)

Technical report 07.06.23

No industry co-ordinated defence.  Interested parties will need to submit a defence dossier individually


Annex V entry 7

CMR 2 (reprotox)

Technical report 08.09.2023

Being defended by an industry consortium

REACH Restrictions



SVHC Classification and Authorisation



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