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ECHA Updates
Regulatory Management |
Chemical |
Defence Status |
Harmonised Classification and Labelling: New Intentions |
CBDNo entry in CPRProposed CMR (reprotox) 06.04.23 |
Sodium chloriteNo entry in CPRProposed CMR2 (mut) 02.10.23 |
ResorcinolAnnex III entry 22 of CPRProposed ED 1 (HH) (31.08.23) |
TBC – it is unclear what defence work would be required for this classification |
Hexamethylindanopyran (HHCB, ‘galaxolide’)Annex III entry 336 of CPRProposed CMR (reprotox) (05.10.23) |
Harmonised Classification and Labelling: Dossier Submitted |
Talc Annex III entry 59 of CPRCMR 2 (carc)Legal deadline for opinion adoption 04.12.24 |
To be defended by an industry consortium |
Sodium EDTMPNo entry in CPRCMR 1B (carc) (legal deadline for opinion adoption 21.02.25) |
No industry co-ordinated defence. Interested parties will need to submit a defence dossier individually |
Potassium EDTMPNo entry in CPRCMR 1B (carc) (legal deadline for opinion adoption 21.02.25) |
No industry co-ordinated defence. Interested parties will need to submit a defence dossier individually |
Heliotropine (Piperonal)No entry in CPRCMR 1B (reprotox)Legal deadline for opinion adoption 24.10.24 |
GROUP Cyclamen aldehydeNo entry in CPRCMR 1B (reprotox)Legal deadline for opinion adoption 10.11.24 |
GROUP BourgeonalNo entry in CPRCMR 1B (reprotox)Legal deadline for opinion adoption 10.11.24 |
p-CymeneNo entry in CPRCMR 1B (repr)Legal deadline for opinion adoption 10.11.24 |
AcetophenoneNo entry in CPRCMR 1B (repr) (legal deadline for opinion adoption 13.03.25) |
Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) Opinion Published |
Tea tree oil - Melaleuca alternifolia, ext.No entry in CPRCMR 1B (repr)RAC opinion adopted, pending publication |
Being defended by an industry consortium |
Nitrous oxideNo entry in CPRCMR 1B (repr)RAC opinion 16.03.2023 |
No industry co-ordinated defence. Interested parties will need to submit a defence dossier individually |
Tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate No entry in CPRCMR 1B (repr)RAC opinion adopted, pending publication |
No industry co-ordinated defence. Interested parties will need to submit a defence dossier individually |
REACH Restrictions |
D4/5/6Restriction notified to WTO 22.06.23 |
N/A |
OctocryleneAnnex VI entry 10 of CPREnvironmental (04.10.23) |
MicroplasticsRestriction published 27.09.23 |
N/A |
SVHC Classification and Authorisation |
N/A |
HSE Updates
Regulatory Management |
Chemical |
Defence Status |
Mandatory Classification and Labelling: New Intentions |
N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide No entry in UKCR CMR 1B (muta) Technical report 07.06.23 |
No industry co-ordinated defence. Interested parties will need to submit a defence dossier individually |
o-phenylphenol Annex V entry 7 CMR 2 (reprotox) Technical report 08.09.2023 |
Being defended by an industry consortium |
REACH Restrictions |
N/A |
SVHC Classification and Authorisation |
N/A |