AboutSection 1Section 2Confirmation

Company information

To be completed by all companies


Reason for membership enquiry

Membership type

See our Members List to find out who else is in membership under each category, CTPA will assign your company to the relevant category.

Full membership

Open to manufacturers, brand owners, distributors and other companies supplying finished cosmetic products

Associate membership

Open to companies supplying ingredients, analytical laboratory services (not contract manufacturing), packaging or other ancillary services such as safety assessment, claims assessment etc

Retail Associate membership

Open to UK retailers and wholesalers who do not manufacture but have their own brand cosmetics and/or supply cosmetic brands

Compliance Associate membership

Open to companies acting as Responsible Person (RP) to external companies under the EU Cosmetics Product Regulation 1223/2009 (either mandated by an external company and so having name and address on pack or under contract to provide service but without name and address on pack). This category will also apply to RPs under the UK Cosmetic Regulations post-Brexit

Please list any parent, subsidiary and/or affiliated companies with a cosmetic interest


Parent company


Subsidiary companies

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Affiliated companies

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