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In partnership with sustainable development non-profit organisation Forum for the Future, CTPA launched its ambitious Sustainability Strategy: “Driving Towards a Net Positive Cosmetics Industry” in 2019.
Since the launch of the strategy, CTPA has joined forces with new partners, hosted inspiring workshops and webinars and represented our industry to the Government in order to achieve more and more under this industry-leading programme.
This Q4 2020 update showcases some of the successes and ongoing work under CTPA’s Sustainability Strategy.
Sustainability Summit
The UK Government will host the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference from 1-12 November 2021, also known as COP26, together with Italy. COP26 will ensure that climate change and the business imperative to act remain high on the global agenda. As well as the COP26 presidency, this timing will also coincide with the UK holding the revolving G7 presidency and co-hosts Italy holding presidency of the G20 group, which includes major emerging economies.
On 14 January 2021, CTPA will share a horizon scan, prepared by Forum for the Future, followed by a exciting debate on how to unlock fundamental challenges faced by the cosmetics industry, whilst developing more sustainable business practices. The debate will feature the environmentalist and writer, Jonathon Porritt, Dr Sally Uren, Chief Executive of Forum for the Future, John Chave, Director General of Cosmetics Europe, Graham McMillan, Principle at Teneo and Dr Emma Meredith, Director-General at CTPA.
Click here to book your place at this unmissable event.
Sustainability Committee
Expert help and input from CTPA membership is fundamental to the success of the Sustainability Strategy. The Environmental Sustainability Working Group has evolved into a newly-appointed Sustainability Committee. The Committee will report directly to the CTPA Board, in recognition of the importance of its work.
WRAP – Clear on Plastics Beauty Campaign
CTPA has been working with the expert sustainability organisation, WRAP, to help develop a new campaign focussed around cosmetics and personal care products as part of the Clear on Plastics Campaign.
The campaign launched on Monday 16 November and in addition to highlighting the positive role that plastic packaging plays, it showcases innovative examples of how UK Plastics Pact members, supporters and other businesses are playing their part in making it easier for consumers to introduce more sustainability considerations into their beauty routines. The campaign can be followed on Twitter and Instagram @ClearOnPlastics
As part of the campaign, CTPA’s Director-General, Dr Emma Meredith, has filmed a fantastic series of vlogs discussing why and how plastic packaging is used for cosmetic products.
Read further information on the campaign at the CTPA website, thefactsabout and see the vlogs on Twitter @CTPA or on thefactsabout.
Refill and Reuse Guidance
CTPA’s guidance on refillable and reusable products is now serving as a basis for similar guidance at international level. An extract from the guidance is available in the FAQ section of the CTPA website and members of CTPA can access the full guidance through the members website.
CTPA has joined a Collaborative Action Group within WRAP and the UK Plastics Pact focussed on refill and re-use.
Focus Groups on Sustainability Messaging
in collaboration with CTPA’s communications partner, Teneo, and VisionOne, an expert consumer research company, CTPA ran four focus groups in October and November to find out whether the cosmetics industry’s messaging on sustainability is clear and understandable for consumers. Area of focus included:
- Packaging waste
- Microplastics
- Wet wipes
- Recyclability
- Palm oil
CTPA is working with Teneo to analyse the results and understand how the learnings can be applied to current and future messaging and consumer engagement activities. Key outcomes will be shared with CTPA members.
Plastic Packaging Tax
HM Treasury is moving ahead with plans for a tax on plastic packaging containing less than 30% recycled plastic from April 2022. CTPA has been following developments and submitting responses to the consultations. The Government has published draft primary legislation for technical consultation which intends to put into effect the policy design. The legislation is available here and CTPA members can find additional information on the tax at this link.
Key concerns from CTPA and its membership include the availability of cosmetic-quality recycled plastic and ensuring effective traceability and enforcement. CTPA is working on several projects to improve the availability of cosmetic-quality recycled plastic and is supporting members with individual questions with one-on-one expert help and advice.
The Government is requesting feedback by 7 January 2021, ahead of introducing the legislation in a future Finance Bill and will then publish secondary legislation and guidance giving more detail for businesses to prepare for the introduction of the tax and to meet the new requirements from April 2022. Comments can be sent directly to HMRC, Indirect Tax Directorate, Excise and Environmental Policy Design Team ([email protected]).