Published: 22 August 2023  (Updated: 22 August 2023)

Webinar - The Cosmetic Borderlines: Assessing Product Classification

Product classification is essential to understand the regulatory requirements applicable to each specific product, and to ensure that there is a clear product purpose.  It allows companies to understand their legal compliance requirements and protects consumers from being misled into believing products may have functions which they do not.  

To classify products, each regulation will contain definitions of the products included within their scope.  Classifying products under these definitions usually relies on a series of fundamental factors which need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Cosmetic products share a borderline with other product categories, such as medicines, biocides, or general products. 

CTPA is hosting a webinar on Thursday 31 August 2023 at 10am, which is aimed at examining these borderlines and providing an understanding on how to ensure products are correctly classified.

Read more and register for the webinar here.

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