Published: 20 January 2025  (Updated: 20 January 2025)

UK Cosmetics Regulation Amendment Notified to WTO (Contains Methyl Salicylate)

On 20 January 2025, the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) notified to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) an amendment to the UK Cosmetics Regulations, updating Annex III to include the new restriction to methyl salicylate.

The Annex III entry for methyl salicylate is proposed as below:

  • rinse-off skin and hair products (except hand wash products) at 0.02% (products intended for children 0.5-1 years), and at 0.06% (products intended for children above 1 year and adults);
  • hand wash products at 0.02% (products intended for children 0.5-1 years), and at 0.6% (products intended for children above 1 year and adults);
  • leave on skin products (except face make-up, spray/aerosol body lotion, spray/aerosol deodorant and hydroalcoholic-based fragrances) and hair products (non-aerosol) at 0.02% (products intended for children 0.5-1 years), and at 0.06% (products intended for children above 1 year and adults);
  • lipsticks and lip balm at 0.02% (products intended for children 0.5-1 years), and at 0.03% (products intended for children above 1 year and adults);
  • face make-up products at 0.05%;
  • eye make-up products and make-up remover at 0.002%;
  • toothpaste at 2.5%;
  • mouthwash at 0.1% (products intended for children 6 to 10 years), and at 0.4% (products intended for children above 10 years and adults);
  • mouth spray at 0.65%;
  • hydroalcoholic-based fragrances at 0.6%;
  • deodorant spray/aerosol products 0.003%;
  • hair products (spray/aerosol) at 0.009%
  • body lotion spray at 0.04%.

The proposed placing on the market deadline is 30 September 2025; the proposed making available on the market (off-shelf) deadline is 31 March 2026.

The draft legislation is open for comments for 60 days from the date of notification.


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