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As part of the Product Safety Review, OPSS invites SME’s to participate.
The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) is currently undertaking a Product Safety Review. Under the review, they intend to examine the fundamental tenets on which the UK product safety framework is built and redesigning it with the aim to make it more agile, responsive, and proportionate, supporting businesses to innovate and grow whilst ensuring consumers are kept safe. OPSS will aim to embed inclusivity at the heart of the review, to ensure that the product safety framework serves everyone.
The next stage of the review is public consultation during which OPSS will seek views on a proposal for a reform package from a variety of stakeholders. As part of this, OPSS will be hosting a virtual workshop on 20 July 2022 which will be focussed on explaining the proposals and discussing them specifically with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
The invitation is extended to any SMEs who may have an interest in this event. Please contact Heather Woodward or Michael Kearney if you would like to attend.