Published: 22 November 2022  (Updated: 22 November 2022)

New SCPN Feature ‘Copy and Edit’

On 18 November 2022, the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS), the UK competent authority for cosmetic products, sent a communication to registered users of the Submit Cosmetic Products Notifications (SCPN) portal, outlining the new ‘Copy and Edit’ feature which is now live.

This allows users to copy a notification that has been submitted, carrying over the contents to a new draft.  This new draft is saved in the draft product notification section, allowing users to open the copied notification and make any required amendments, before submitting it as a new product notification.

This could be used to update an existing notification or as a method to use previously submitted notifications as templates.

This new feature can be found on the ‘Notified Product summary page’ when selecting a submitted notification.  Click on the link in the top-right of the page with the wording ‘Create a draft notification using this notification as a template’.

The update has been implemented and is currently live on the portal.

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