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One in two people will receive a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime and facing this during the current COVID-19 health pandemic is unimaginable. Leaving people feeling more stressed, alone and isolated as ‘normal’ support services are put on hold. Sadly, cancer hasn’t stopped but neither has the services provided by Look Good Feel Better (LGFB).
For 30 years, the cosmetics industry has been supporting and championing LGFB in the UK and across 27 countries.
This quote from an attendee at a recent LGFB virtual workshop really illustrates the importance of the need for the support provided by the LGFB Programme:
It was transformational, being able to chat to the others on the call was brilliant. We all forgot we weren’t actually sitting next to each other! The expert host was amazing and I now know exactly how I can improve the way my treatment has made me look. I look like me again and I’ve even started to put on some make-up when I’m walking my dogs! Knowing that Look Good Feel Better is out there for all cancer patients is a wonderful thing.”
Bev, LGFB Beneficiary
On World Cancer Day, please help amplify the LGFB messaging. We all know someone affected by cancer so let’s use the collective power of the cosmetics industry to help reach out to the 2.5m people living with cancer in the UK through all media channels.
See the LGFB press release here. Further information is available on the LGFB website.