Published: 22 February 2022  (Updated: 22 February 2022)

IFSCC Congress London, September 2022 - Sponsorship Opportunities

As highlighted in previous CTPA news items, the UK Society of Cosmetic Scientists (SCS) will be hosting the 32nd IFSCC (International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists) Congress, in London from 19-22 September 2022.  Cosmetic Scientists representing 48 Member Societies comprising the IFSCC will gather at this prestigious event to discuss and advance the science and technology of our industry under the heading 'Where Beauty, Science and Innovation Meet!'.  The Congress will offer exceptional technical sessions for both podium and posters; as well as an Opening Ceremony; Social Evening; and Closing Banquet.


CTPA would like to highlight that companies have the opportunity to enhance their presence at the Congress and support this important event showcasing the science behind such an innovative, creative sector by choosing from a wide range of sponsoring, exhibiting and advertising opportunities.  More information is available on the IFSCC website here.


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