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ECHA Updates
Regulatory Management | Chemical | Defence Status |
Harmonised Classification and Labelling: New Intentions |
Acetyl Hexamethyl Tetralin (AHTN) Annex III entry 182 CMR 1B (repr) (22.03.24) |
Interest in defence TBC |
Sodium fluoride Annex III entry 31 CMR reprotox ED HH (12.02.24) |
Harmonised Classification and Labelling: Dossier Submitted |
Nitroethane (CMR 1B) and nitropropane (CMR 2) no entry in CPR (legal deadline for opinion adoption 05.06.25) |
No interest in defence |
Hydrogen peroxide Annex III entry 12 of CPR (submitted 08.04.24) CMR PROPOSAL REMOVED |
No defence needed |
Resorcinol Annex III entry 22 ED 1 (HH) (submitted 30.04.24) |
TBC – it is unclear what defence work would be required for this classification |
Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) Opinion Published |
Heliotropine (Piperonal) No entry in CPRCMR 1B (repr) (opinion adopted, waiting for publication) |
REACH Restrictions |
D4, D5, D6 No entry in CPR (only D4 in Annex II) Leave-on Restriction (published 17.05.24) |
N/A |
SVHC Classification and Authorisation |
Triphenyl phosphate proposed for SVHC (ED env) (14.04.23) |
N/A |
Bumetrizole Candidate List SVHC (23.01.24) |
N/A |
Octrizole Candidate List SVHC (23.01.24) |
N/A |
HSE Updates
Regulatory Management | Chemical | Defence Status |
Mandatory Classification and Labelling |
N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide CMR 1B (muta) – aligned with the EU CLP classification |
No defence |
REACH Restrictions |
N/A |
N/A |
SVHC Classification and Authorisation |
N/A |
N/A |