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Further to this public news, CTPA would like to reiterate that UK products introduced into the EU will count as imported goods, and will have to adhere to the specific import requirements from the EU Member State where the customs clearance process takes place. These additional requirements are not related to product compliance, but measures set in place by the individual regulators with regards to in-market control activities.
Below is public guidance available for EU countries that are known to have specific customs clearance procedures for goods coming from outside of the EU:
- Greece: Article 5 of the Greek Common Ministerial Decision provides for importers of cosmetics into the Greek market to notify the National Drugs Organisation of the import activity. This link will direct to the Greek customs authorities.
- Italy: Uffici di Sanita’ Marittima Aerea e di Frontiera (USMAF) and Assistenza Sanitaria al personale Navigante (SASN) are the customs authorities in Italy. More information can be found here.
- Portugal: According to Article 22 of the Decree Law 189/2008 of 24 September, importers of cosmetic products in the Portuguese market must supply to the customs authorities in Portugal specific documentation, that will allow for the goods to be cleared. More information can be found on the Infarmed website.
- Spain: According to the Royal Decree 1/2015, the importer is required to notify the Competent Authority (AEMPS) on the cosmetics a company intends to import. The importer also must provide AEMPS with a declaration of compliance before importing cosmetic products into Spain. More information on this and on the compliance requirements can be found in Annex 1 of the Boletin Oficial del Estado and on the Declaration factsheet.