Published: 22 September 2021  (Updated: 22 September 2021)

CMA Publishes its Green Claims Code

On 20 September 2021, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) published its Green Claims Code, which aims to help businesses understand and comply with their existing obligations under consumer protection law when making environmental claims.  The CMA Green Claims Code is the result of an extensive research and resulting public consultation carried out throughout the first half of 2021.

Following this publication, the CMA intends to carry out a full review of misleading green claims, both on and offline, at the start of 2022.  Businesses are advised to check their green claims against the Code and assess whether their claims comply with the consumer protection law.

More information can be found in this press release and on the green claims campaign website.  CTPA will review the CMA Green Claims Code and provide further advice to members; in the meantime, companies can also consult the CTPA Guide to Environmental and Green Claims, which is in the process of being updated by CTPA to also refer to the CMA Green Claims Code.


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