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This sets out the approach of the OPSS to deal with non-compliance in all areas they regulate.
On 29 June 2022, the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) published the updated enforcement policy setting out their approach to dealing with non-compliance in the industries they regulate (all consumer products, except for vehicles, medicines, and food) and to any potential product safety risks. The document is intended to set the framework for decision-making in relation to non-compliance and help those affected by any enforcement activities to understand how and why decisions are made. The document includes information on:
- why the policy is implemented;
- who is affected by the policy;
- OPSS approach to dealing with non-compliance;
- conduct of investigations;
- horizontal legislation for enforcement;
- decisions on enforcement action.
It also details the actions available that are flexibly deployed, depending on the nature of the non-compliance and the desired outcome of the intervention. They include:
- advice, guidance and written warnings;
- agreeing actions with the business;
- issuing statutory (legal) notices;
- imposing monetary penalties;
- issuing simple caution;
- prosecution.
Read the full Enforcement Policy here.