Published: 11 October 2023

How Do you Ensure that the SUE is Actually Caused by Your Product?

After collecting relevant information from the consumer about a specific adverse effect, companies must determine whether that unwanted reaction is classed as a Serious Undesirable Effect (SUE), the RP shall carry out a causality assessment to investigate whether the adverse event is related to the cosmetic product.  Do you want to know how to carry out a causality assessment?

To practice your knowledge of the causality assessment, CTPA encourages companies to join its biannual webinar ‘Cosmetovigilance: Practical Case Study’ on 18 October 2023 at 14.00-15.00.  The webinar is free for members of CTPA; non-members of the Association who completed the Cosmetovigilance e-learning can also access the webinar for free.

This CTPA webinar provides practical examples to demonstrate how to carry out the causality assessment and determine whether the adverse reaction can be attributed to your product.  The webinar is interactive, allowing attendees to actively participate to the case studies.

We advise companies to attend this webinar after taking the Cosmetovigilance E-Learning.

For more information and to register for this webinar, please go to this page in the events section of the CTPA website.


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