Published: 10 September 2022

How Do you Ensure that the SUE is Actually Caused by Your Product?

After collecting relevant information from the consumer about a specific adverse effect, companies must determine whether that unwanted reaction is classed as a Serious Undesirable Effect (SUE), the RP shall carry out a causality assessment to investigate whether the adverse event is related to the cosmetic product.  Do you want to know how to carry out a causality assessment?

In order to upskill companies within the cosmetics industry on this important topic, CTPA is opening its Cosmetovigilance training to non-members of the association.  Non-members will be able to attend the training by paying a fee of £25.

The virtual session is scheduled for Wednesday 28 September at 14.00-16.00, make sure you don’t miss it!

For more information and register for the training, please visit the events section of the CTPA website.

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