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The Responsible Person (RP) must comply with specific requirements for cosmetovigilance under the UK and EU Cosmetics Regulations. There are obligations to assess and interpret an Undesirable Effect (UE) or a Serious Undesirable Effect (SUE), collect information to carry out a causality assessment, as well as reporting relevant cases to authorities. Are you looking to upskill on your cosmetovigilance obligations as an RP?
In order to upskill companies within the cosmetics industry on this important topic, CTPA is opening its Cosmetovigilance training to non-members of the association. Non-members will be able to attend the training by paying a fee of £25.
The virtual session is scheduled for Wednesday 28 September at 14.00-16.00, make sure you don’t miss it!
For more information and register for the training, please visit the events section of the CTPA website.