Published: 19 May 2023  (Updated: 22 May 2023)

CTPA Annual Report 2022


The CTPA’s 2022 Annual Report is now available on the CTPA’s public website.  We hope you enjoy its new, fresh look, which is readily accessible on-the-go from your smart devices and online.  The structure of the report has also been completely refreshed to give clear navigation to the breadth of CTPA’s work for members and on behalf of the wider cosmetics industry in the UK.  The new ‘Explore More’ sections link members to detailed advice whilst highlighting educational material for non-members.

CTPA’s former Chair Debbie Rix, has left us with inspirational words before leaving for new ventures noting “If we didn’t have CTPA, how would companies navigate through all the regulatory challenges that directly impact their business.”  We would like to thank Debbie for her incredible support and wealth of expertise. 

With 2023 rapidly gathering pace, the new executive team of Thierry Cheval as Chair, Vice-chairs Anna Bartle and Chris Barron and Treasurer, Andrew Field is working with the CTPA team to provide insight on the many challenges industry faces as the UK continues to carve out its own regulatory path, seeks new free trade agreements with the wider world and works through political change.  With the Board’s guidance on what members really need from their Association and the expertise of the CTPA team, we will continue to make a difference.  A difference that has a direct impact on how you do business. 

As Business Award Winner 2022 in the Office for Product Safety & Standards Regulatory Excellence Awards, CTPA has continued to work in partnership as a trusted authority with the UK Government and other key stakeholders, creating unique and valuable channels to advocate for safety and growth whilst protecting and strengthening industry reputation.   Using its heightened visibility and awareness, CTPA seeks also to dispel misinformation and educate about the science and safety of cosmetic products.  Read more about how the team works on your behalf in ‘Championing the UK Industry’.

Please do share this report with your colleagues within your companies and externally.  Everyone within your company can (and should!) sign-up to the CTPA members’ website.  

CTPA, enabling the cosmetics and personal care industry to deliver excellence and support wellbeing – an industry for all, by all.

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