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The CTPA Annual Report 2018 is now available online in page-turning pdf format to view or download.
The report provides an overview of the work undertaken by the CTPA on members' behalf during the year. In particular, you will find a feature article: 'A Sustainable Future', which highlights the work CTPA has been undertaking with the Sustainability NGO, Forum for the Future, and members, with the assistance of Teneo, CTPA's communication agency. CTPA's strategy, 'Driving Towards a Net Positive Cosmetics Industry', is the start of a cohesive, collective pre-competitive action with members to tackle those areas where CTPA can uniquely act as a catalyst for change. The Association is bringing members together to share best practice and drive system-wide change to represent a balanced, conscientious, world-leading cosmetics industry comprised of companies of all sizes.
CTPA strives to understand all stakeholders' points of view to ensure that our representation to regulators is inclusive and allows them to fully realise the impact of proposed changes to the regulatory framework, both here and internationally.
We hope you find the report an interesting and engaging read and would encourage you to share with colleagues. As the voice of the British cosmetics industry, the CTPA seeks to ensure that it is open to dialogue with regulatory authorities, political stakeholders, NGOs, the media and other interested parties to present clear, scientific facts on the many topics pertaining to the efficacy and safety of cosmetic and personal care products.