Published: 30 June 2023  (Updated: 30 June 2023)

Alert: Phishing Emails Regarding the CTPA 2023 International Seminar

We are aware of some members receiving emails offering to provide ‘costs, supplies and additional details’ for the CTPA International Seminar if you reply to the email. Those emails are not from CTPA, and we advise not to respond to them.

All CTPA events are organised by the Association and third companies are not used in any way. Any email communication regarding the event will come from a CTPA e-mail (with the appropriate address), and will have been sent by one of our Team Members.  Bookings and payments for events are only taken through the Event website using PayPal unless a company has specifically requested an invoice which will be sent from our Finance Manager.

CTPA takes our members’ privacy very seriously and our public privacy policy can be viewed here.  CTPA does not share member company or individual’s contact details with any stakeholders without prior express consent.

CTPA is taking action to ensure that our systems are secure and there have not been any security breaches.

If you receive any such emails, please do not respond to them and also consider reporting them as phishing emails.

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