Published: 21 July 2023  (Updated: 21 July 2023)

The UK and Turkey Prepare to Negotiate an Updated Free Trade Agreement

On 18 July 2023, the UK and Turkey have announced their commitment to negotiate an updated Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

The new FTA is an opportunity to negotiate a deal that is better suited to the modern economies of both the UK and Turkey, covering areas such as digital trade and services.  The deal would replace the existing UK-Turkey FTA, which was rolled over from when the UK left the EU and doesn’t cover key areas of the UK economy like services, digital and data.

The UK expects to launch a call for input, which will be an opportunity for businesses, organisations and individuals to help shape the UK’s negotiating aims ahead of the talks.  Following consultation, the UK Government expects to start renegotiations next year.

More information can be found on the UK Government website.  


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