Published: 24 July 2024  (Updated: 24 July 2024)

3-7 December 2024: Cosmoprof India Mumbai

Join the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) in celebrating the Best of British Beauty, with a delegation of 15 leading British Beauty Companies to the world’s fastest Growing Beauty Market.  The delegation will give you an opportunity to meet India’s leading omnichannel Beauty players, gain an understanding of the Indian Consumer and navigate the certification and regulation required to enter this complex and rewarding Beauty environment.

DBT is looking for innovative Beauty companies with an annual t/o of £1 Million+. Click here to apply.  Applications close midday Thursday 15 August.

The Retail and Digital teams at the DBT are here to support and encourage companies to sign up for the Digital exporting programme to receive updates on DBT events, free training and webinars and download DBT marketplace guide here.

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