< PreviousScience Advancing Non-animal Alternatives Breaking Ground with British Dermatologists As the UK establishes its independent chemicals regulatory system, our industry is seizing this opportunity to showcase how New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) can be at the heart of innovative chemicals law. CTPA’s ground-breaking NAMs workshop brought together cosmetics company scientists, animal-free testing providers, NGOs, academia and UK regulators to pave the way for faster progress in wider sectors and markets. UK Chemicals Strategy CTPA is contributing to the development of the UK Chemicals Strategy through solutions-focused dialogue with Defra. Our partnership projects with the British Dermatology community to explore issues such as allergies are helping companies to add to their safety data while furthering our shared understanding of science. They’re a win, win, win: for consumers, companies and the dermatology community at large. CTPA is working closely with key voices across our industry from policy shapers in the Home Office, Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) and Office for Product Safety & Standards (OPSS), to suppliers of our raw materials and users of our finished products in adjacent industries. This includes sector organisations such as the National Hair and Beauty Federation (NHBF), the Beauty Industry Group (BIG) and the Alliance of Chemical Associations (ACA) and its members. CTPA Annual Report 2022 _ 10CTPA contributed to the consultation on the extension of the deadlines for registering chemicals under UK REACH, and welcomed extensions to the deadlines. It means companies have more time to familiarise themselves with the upcoming changes to the new registration model and work with suppliers to ensure they comply. A member of Defra and HSE’s Technical Working Group, CTPA is also actively contributing to the further improvement of the current registration model. In the last year, CTPA navigated the submission of dossiers to OPSS proving the safety of several cosmetic ingredients, facilitating the continued safe use of important ingredients in the UK, including UV filters which are so vital for sunscreen products and our protection. Safeguarding Safe Ingredients Extending UK REACH Registration Deadlines Cosmetovigilance Training CTPA’s cosmetovigilance training and e-learning resources are helping to ensure companies and wider stakeholders are up to speed on the UK process. It has proved particularly popular among Trading Standards Officers by assisting the way they review cases received, and report to regulators if needed. Members Only Members can access the latest information on NAMs Track the live status of cosmetic ingredients Find detailed information and guidance on UK REACH Public Access Find out about CTPA’s ground-breaking NAMs workshop Compare UK and EU cosmetic ingredients regulation Find at-a-glance information on UK REACH Find CTPA’s responses to consultations Science CTPA Annual Report 2022 _ 11 _ 11Regulatory CTPA is committed to supporting companies through regulatory complexity as the UK Cosmetics Regulation continues to evolve Nico Shaw Núñez Head of International Growth & Regulatory Services CTPA Annual Report 2022 _ 12Our new member resource, UK Regulations for Cosmetics, simplifies and consolidates the UK landscape into one place, offering a one-stop-shop for any UK company trading in cosmetics. Meanwhile, non-members can continue to benefit from CTPA’s updated public advice. The UK Government’s Cosmetic Stakeholder Group (CSG) brings together Government and trade associations, or representative organisations, from different areas of the cosmetics sector to discuss the latest developments and their implications for the UK industry. As the Group’s Secretariat, CTPA is proud to facilitate this collaborative dialogue with policymakers, which enables crossover issues to be considered in the round and creates valuable efficiencies for all. The UK Cosmetic Stakeholder Group A UK Regulatory Resource Longer for Labelling Changes Shaping the SCPN Portal In a welcome move, the UK Government published the draft ‘Product Safety and Metrology (Amendment and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2022’ giving companies more time to comply with new labelling changes, as well as added flexibility. By gathering feedback from member companies ahead of the deadline, CTPA was able to contribute the industry’s perspective to the Government’s plans. The result is an extension that will mean safe products can remain in circulation and continue to benefit UK consumers. CTPA is working closely with OPSS to support the development of the Submit Cosmetic Products Notifications (SCPN) portal. Through constructive dialogue we’re ensuring the new portal meets Government and industry needs efficiently, with recent updates including a search feature and ‘copy and edit’ function. CTPA Annual Report 2022 Regulatory CTPA Annual Report 2022 _ 13 Members Only Explore our new member resource, UK Regulations for Cosmetics Check your claims against existing guidance Download CTPA guidance on how to use the SCPN Public Access Find out more about CTPA’s stakeholder engagement Discover updated regulatory advice Explore CTPA’s Position Papers Read about the Government extensions to the timelines for marketing CTPA Annual Report 2022 The UK’s Voice on the Global Stage Position Papers for Hot Topics CTPA continues to contribute the UK industry’s voice to regulatory consultations within the EU and beyond. As a member of Cosmetics Europe, to the EU Commission and through the World Trade Organisation, we ensure the UK’s views are represented on issues as diverse as EU REACH, fragrance allergens, sustainability and consumer communications. From ‘free from’ to third party certifications, CTPA continues to create position papers on the hot topics that can sometimes divide company opinion. By compiling legislative guidance and summarising CTPA’s science-led perspective, these papers aim to support companies in making informed choices that benefit the consumer and strengthen our industry’s reputation. CTPA has met with the OPSS team more than 25 times in the last year. Through constructive and solutions-focused dialogue we are working together to allow industry to meet the needs of UK consumers. Regulatory CTPA Annual Report 2022 _ 14Sustainability Working towards a Net Positive future, everyone has an active role to play: from product makers, to policymakers to the people who enjoy our products daily CTPA Annual Report 2022 _ 15Small packaging will always be needed. That’s not a fact our industry, or others, can change. However, we certainly can change the future of that packaging, ensuring that it’s reused, recycled and repurposed, rather than ending its life in landfill or incineration. CTPA’s ground-breaking roundtable on take-back schemes last November, and associated policy paper, helped to move the conversation around small packaging, not currently recycled, on from challenges to change. The roundtable brought together key stakeholders, including Resources and Waste Minister at Defra, Jo Churchill, MP, Defra officials, representatives from the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP UK), On-Pack Recycling Label (OPRL), Flexible Plastic Fund and Terracyle, as well as brands and retailers. It formed part of CTPA’s commitment to harmonising and raising wider awareness of the current schemes to make them work better for companies and consumers. Take-back Schemes _ 16 CTPA continues to work closely with a wide range of stakeholders who are shaping a sustainable future, whether that’s offering an industry perspective to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the devolved Governments on particular products, or working with UK Government and advising member companies on important issues such as the UK Plastic Packaging Tax, Extended Producer Responsibility and Green Claims. We’re also proud to support progressive projects and initiatives such as Cosmetics Europe’s Commit for our Planet, the UK Plastics Pact and the EcoBeautyScore Consortium, which move our industry forward and underpin our strong shared commitment to our planet. In collaboration with its members, CTPA has contributed to eight Government consultations on environmental issues over the course of the last year. CTPA worked with the Recycle Now team at WRAP to add cosmetic packaging terms onto its Recycling Locator Tool with the aim of increasing the number of cosmetics brands that are highlighting this opportunity to their consumers. Sustainability CTPA Annual Report 2022 _ 16In Recycle Week 2022, CTPA launched a new consumer education campaign about the importance of bathroom recycling. Building on information that suggests people have less know-how about bathroom recycling than kitchen recycling, the campaign featured a series of engaging infographics covering everything from what types of packaging you can recycle and how take-back schemes work, through to how to best dispose of wipes. It offered helpful signposts to information resources such as Recycle Now and WRAP to build consumers’ knowledge and confidence. CTPA’s Bathroom Campaign Sustainability What packaging can you recycle from your bathroom? What about small cosmetic packaging? Where can I find a take-back scheme drop-off point? How to dispose of wipes CTPA Annual Report 2022 _ 17CTPA offers confidential one-to-one sessions with member companies keen to discuss their sustainability journeys and explore ways they might expedite their progress. The sessions aim to offer companies new ideas and resources, while providing CTPA with valuable insights into the steps that members are taking and how varied their challenges are. All of this helps to support CTPA’s own sustainability strategy and enhance its member offer - a win for the Association, companies and the planet. With growing interest in, and progress around, the area of refillable and reusable packaging, CTPA has continued to work closely with WRAP, the Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD), OPRL and others to build shared knowledge and to update its formal guidance to members. Refill and Reuse Member One-to-Ones Sustainability Guidance Visit CTPA’s ever-evolving Sustainability Hub where you can find inspiration to support your sustainability journey, and explore wide-ranging issues, from climate impact and water use through to environmental claims, advertising and communications. Look out for CTPA’s biennial Sustainability Summit, taking place on 10 May 2023. Members Only Find information on CTPA’s one-to-one sustainability sessions Public Access Explore CTPA’s Sustainability Hub Find out more about CTPA’s take-back scheme roundtable Discover CTPA’s Bathroom Campaign Download the latest guidance on refill and reuse Find CTPA’s position on take-back schemes for small cosmetic products Read the CTPA Guide to Environmental and Green Claims CTPA Annual Report 2022 _ 18 Sustainability CTPA Annual Report 2022 _ 18International Creating the right conditions for global trade can be complex, which is why cross-border collaboration is vital Nico Shaw Núñez Head of International Growth & Regulatory Services CTPA Annual Report 2022 _ 19Next >