Published: 04 May 2022  (Updated: 04 May 2022)

EcoBeauty Score Consortium Update

42 cosmetics and personal care companies, as well as professional associations including CTPA, have joined forces to form the EcoBeautyScore Consortium, aiming to develop an industry-wide environmental impact assessment and scoring system for cosmetic products.

This will contribute to meet growing consumer demand for greater transparency about the environmental impact of cosmetics products (formula, packaging, and usage).

With small and large companies and associations from 4 continents, the EcoBeautyScore Consortium is truly global and inclusive.  It remains open for other companies and associations to join.

The 42 members of the EcoBeautyScore Consortium have started to work together, organised in thematic working groups.  A footprinting and scoring prototype is targeted for the end of 2022, providing the environmental scoring for a selection of product categories at first.  It will then be verified by independent parties.

View the press release published in February 2022.

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