Published: 26 March 2020  (Updated: 26 March 2020)

Brexit Updates – Joint CIA/Cefic Position on Chemicals Negotiations

On 25 February 2020 the Chemicals Industry Association (CIA) and the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) published a joint position paper on the Brexit negotiations for chemicals.  The document highlights the views of the UK and EU chemicals industries on key matters under negotiation for chemicals:

  • tariffs and rules of origin;
  • regulatory consistency;
  • a maximum degree of cooperation between the UK and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA);
  • shared REACH database, on the basis of Article 120 of EU REACH;
  • the implementation of a transition period;
  • harmonised customs procedures; and
  • free movement of qualified personnel.

CTPA supports the joint CIA/Cefic position, which is consistent with the CTPA position on this matter.   CTPA encourages companies with an EU presence to share both CTPA and CIA/Cefic documents with their local trade associations and Governments, to strengthen the message from both the UK and the EU side.

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